" 섭씨 2~4도 정도 시원할 때, 가장 좋아 "

--- The debate over whether boxers or briefs are better for men's fertility may finally be settled.
• A recent Harvard study found that men who wore looser underwear, like boxers or boxer-briefs, had about 25% more sperm in their collected samples. • According to experts, wearing tight underwear like briefs creates a temperature increase that prevents sperm from growing and developing properly. • Researchers believe that tight underwear could jeopardize the fertility of men who already suffer from low sperm counts. • However, it's possible to reverse damage caused by wearing tight underwear by switching to a less confining option.

심지어, 우리는 속옷이 없습니다.

--- The debate over whether boxers or briefs are better for men's fertility may finally be settled.
• A recent Harvard study found that men who wore looser underwear, like boxers or boxer-briefs, had about 25% more sperm in their collected samples. • According to experts, wearing tight underwear like briefs creates a temperature increase that prevents sperm from growing and developing properly. • Researchers believe that tight underwear could jeopardize the fertility of men who already suffer from low sperm counts. • However, it's possible to reverse damage caused by wearing tight underwear by switching to a less confining option.
" 섭씨 2~4도 정도 시원할 때, 가장 좋아 "
심지어, 우리는 속옷이 없습니다.